Sundays in October 2024

Sundays at 10:30 AM

October 6th "Begin A New Life" Part 1: Examine Yourself - Wheat and Tares

The first step in repentance is examining yourself. We have to be willing to look in the mirror and take an honest inventory of our strengths and our faults. The parable of the wheat and tares can help us to see what this process is like. We will never be perfect, and we will never be able to remove all of the evils that are within ourselves, but how can we realistically determine what we should work on and what needs time to develop before we can see it clearly?

October 13th "Begin A New Life" Part 2: Recognize and Acknowledge - "Where Are You?"

When Adam and Eve eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the Lord asks them a question He already knows the answer to. The reason the Lord does this in the Word is to give us an opportunity to recognize and acknowledge our shortcomings. The way that Adam and Eve respond to the Lord's question shows us how we can not only admit to the things we have done wrong, but how we can get to the root of the problem and see what needs to change.

October 20th "Come, Let Us Reason"

This Sunday we will do more exploration of the Lord's Sermon on the Mount. After blessing His listeners, calling them the salt of the earth and light of the world, He enters into some specific ways to be life givers and carry His love to others. Among the first lessons is this one concerning anger with others and the need for reconciliation. This must take place before genuine states of worship and charity can be ours.

With guest Pastor Michael Cowley

October 27th "Begin A New Life" Part 3: Pray to the Lord 'He Can Overcome"

Pastor Steven will return to the "Begin A New Life" Series.

November 3rd "Begin A New Life" Part 4: "Go And Sin No More"

Repentance often feels like a really difficult process. We are forced to acknowledge our shortcomings and go through the work of letting go of our bad habits. It often feels like repentance is a process of restriction and desolation, but in the Lord's perspective it's a chance to set us free from the sins that have held us down in our lives. This is always His goal. So, when a woman is brought to Jesus who was caught in the act of adultery, His response showcases that His priority isn't to shame us or make us struggle--it's to help us go and sin no more.



Sunday Services

Our worship services begin at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday.

The first part of the service is for the whole family; with songs, prayers, and a talk for the children. After the children's talk, parents take their children to the nursery or to Sunday School (see Sunday School tab).

The second portion of the service is aimed at adults, with a more in-depth message on the topic.

After worship, we gather in the Foyer and Cafe to share fellowship and enjoy refreshments. Everyone is invited to join this gathering.