The Beatitudes Week 6 "Blessed Are the Pure in Heart"
In this beatitude, Jesus says that the pure in heart will "see God." What does it mean to see God, and why is this an important part of our spiritual journeys?
When David is anointed as king, the Lord gives Samuel a powerful message about how the Lord sees all of us differently than we see ourselves.
Sunday Services
Our worship services begin at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday.
The first part of the service is for the whole family; with songs, prayers, and a talk for the children. After the children's talk, parents take their children to the nursery or to Sunday School (see Sunday School tab).
The second portion of the service is aimed at adults, with a more in-depth message on the topic.
After worship, we gather in the Foyer and Cafe to share fellowship and enjoy refreshments. Everyone is invited to join this gathering.