This Sunday

Sunday, March 23rd & Sunday, March 30th at 10:30 AM

Because of Spring Break, March 23rd  & March 30th are Family Services, with one talk for everyone and no Sunday School. Join us at 10:30 AM!

Sunday, March 23rd "Anointing at Bethany"

When Jesus dines with a familiar family right before His triumphal entry, His good friend Mary takes expensive fragrant oil and anoints His feet. Another person there points out that the oil could have been sold, providing enough money to help the poor. Jesus then gives a strange teaching about the poor and Himself. What is the powerful message behind this strange saying of Jesus?

Sunday, March 30th "The Last Supper"

The Last Supper is a powerful, sober story of Jesus and His disciples. It also was the institution of one of the very few sacraments we have in our church: the Holy Supper. Let's look at the story of Jesus's last supper with His disciples and talk about the eternal message held within the simple act of sharing bread and wine. We will not be serving Holy Supper at this service.

HOLY WEEK EASTER SERIES - description & dates

Join us for this Easter series where we will be looking at the various things that Jesus did over the week between His Triumphant Entry and His death on the cross.

"Holy Week" Easter Services

"Cleansing the Temple" - Sunday, March 16th @ 10:30 AM (Full Service with Sunday School)

"Anointing at Bethany" - Sunday, March 23rd @ 10:30 AM (Spring Break Family Service)

"The Last Supper" - Sunday, March 30th @ 10:30 AM (Spring Break Family Service)

"Gethsemane" - Sunday, April 6th @ 10:30 AM (Full Service with Sunday School)

"Palm Sunday" - Sunday, April 13th @ 10:30 AM (Festival Service with a Palm Procession, and Sunday School)

"Maundy Thursday" - Thursday, April 17th @ 7 PM (Adult service with Communion/Holy Supper)

"He is Risen" - Sunday, April 20th @ 10:30 AM (Easter Sunday Family Service, with a Flower Procession)

Sunday Services

Our worship services begin at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday.

The first part of the service is for the whole family; with songs, prayers, and a talk for the children. After the children's talk, parents take their children to the nursery or to Sunday School (see Sunday School tab).

The second portion of the service is aimed at adults, with a more in-depth message on the topic.

After worship, we gather in the Foyer and Cafe to share fellowship and enjoy refreshments. Everyone is invited to join this gathering.