
You are warmly invited to get involved in the life of the Oak Arbor Church!

True peace and happiness come from the relationships we care most about. As a result, all our programs and services focus on offering people a new and satisfying Christian vision of God, the neighbor, marriage and family, faith, and salvation. 

We are part of the worldwide denomination of The New Church. Visit our Spiritual Concepts page for more information on the New Church Faith.

Whether you’re looking for a warm church community or seeking a more meaningful spiritual practice, we open our doors to you.

Upcoming Events

RHPL BOOKMOBILE - Tuesdays at 5 PM

Come and visit the Rochester Hills Public Library Bookmobile in our parking lot on Tuesdays, from 5-5:30 PM! Check out books and movies.

They will continue to visit throughout the winter, except for inclement weather days. Cancelled for 1/21 due to the low temperatures.

MOM 2 MOM SALE - Saturday, April 5th

Join us from 9 AM - 1 PM.

More information, plus registration for vendors and sellers available here

MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR MARGE GURNEY - Saturday, April 5th at 4:30 PM

Reception to follow.

Click here for Marge's obituary

To donate to Oak Arbor church in memory of Marge:

Checks can be written to

Oak Arbor Church

495 Oak Arbor Circle West

Rochester, MI  48306

Memo: Marge Gurney Memorial

OR on our website:

Click on “Give” to donate via PayPal or credit card.

In the “Note” field please type in “Marge Gurney Memorial”.

ADOPT-A-ROAD CLEAN UP- Saturday, April 12th

Time again for the Oak Arbor Church Adopt-A-Road clean-up on our sponsored section of Rochester Road from Mead to Gunn, this time on Saturday, April 12th. We will plan on a crew at 6:30 AM and 9:30 AM.

Get some morning steps in, a visit with others, and help keep the sides of the roads we drive by looking good in usually around 1-2 hours time.

Please contact Paul Elder by email if you plan to participate and at which time so we can know the numbers ahead of time to plan our attack to be prudent and safe. 18 and older.

EASTER BASKET CHARITY EVENT - Saturday, April 12th at 2 PM

Oak Arbor will be hosting an Easter basket-building event on April 12 at 2:00. The baskets we build will be given to children in the area as part of the Kids Empowered on the Move Easter program - providing baskets and Easter meals to families in need.

We are gratefully accepting donations of Easter basket items (baskets, bags of wrapped candy, small stuffed animals, small coloring books, etc). A donation box is available in the church foyer.

Alternatively, you can select an item from our Easter wish list and have the item shipped to you or directly to our organization.

If you’re interested in helping at the event or in sponsoring and providing baskets directly to a family, please contact David Cattermole. Thank you!

Note from Oak Arbor: this collection will take the place of our usual Palm Sunday clothing drive